List head and tail in Scala

package com.vff.lessons

import scala.collection.GenTraversable
import scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce

 * In functional-style Scala, Collections are processed
 * by splitting a list into its head and tail, where
 * head is the first element and tail is all other elements.
 * <p>
 * This is very useful and often used in Pattern Matching.
object ListHeadAndTail extends App {

  // Create our list.
  val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

  // Output the contents of head (1st item) and then tail (rest of the items).
  println("list.head = " + list.head)
  println("list.tail = " + list.tail)

  // Simple recursion.
  def display[A](s: Seq[A]): Unit = {
    // Here is our pattern matching:
    s match {
      // case of an empty list
      case Nil => println("End of list")
      /* match the case where list is not empty -  get first item and 
       * recurse with new list containing the rest of the items - by 
       * default scala collection classes will be immutable.
      case head :: tail => println("Got element - " + head); display(tail)


list.head = 1
list.tail = List(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Got element - 1
Got element - 2
Got element - 3
Got element - 4
Got element - 5
Got element - 6
End of list

Curried functions in Scala

This is a functional programming concept.
The simplest form of the idea is this – imagine a function with 2 parameters, x and y and providing a sister-function to it where one of the parameters is set, this is similar to how the curried functions work. My focus in this example is the syntax.

 * Example of 'curried' method on functions.
 *  Having function f(x:X,y:Y):Z f.curried returns function g(x:X) returning (y:Y) => Z
object CurriedFunction extends App {
  /* We will provide a 'charAt' function taking a String and position (Int). */
  val f: (String,Int) => Char = (s,i) => s.charAt(i)

  /* Currying the method - we now create a function g taking just an Int. */
  val g = f.curried("test")

  /* Another form - but h takes 2 parameter lists - both containing one element. */
  val h = f.curried
  /* How we call the 2 curried methods. */
  println("Value for test, 1 = " + g(1))
  println("Value for diddle, 1 = " + h("diddle")(1))

The real purpose of currying is to do with arity – turning a function with multiple arguments into a series of functions with single arguments, but it involves functions returning other functions…

Call-by-name in Scala

Call-by-name is where a parameter to a function is a function evaluated each time it is used. In this example the function getString is invoked each time it is accessed by the logWaitThenLogAgain method:

import java.util.Date

 * This class demonstrates Call-By-Name behaviour in Scala.
object CallByName extends App {

   * Note the param of this function:
   * f: => String, instead of f:String
   * This makes the function 'f' a call-by-name parameter 
   * evaluated every time 'f' is accessed.
  def logWaitThenLogAgain(f: => String) = {
    println("[INFO] " + f)
    Thread.sleep(1000) // wait 1 second
    println("[INFO] " + f)

  // Just returns the current date/time as a String
  def getString = new Date().toGMTString()

  // Call our function passing the getString method.


[INFO] 25 Sep 2013 18:21:26 GMT
[INFO] 25 Sep 2013 18:21:27 GMT

The example demonstrates how Scala passes a method parameter as a function.

Implicit Type Conversion in Scala

package com.vff.lessons

import javax.swing.JOptionPane

 * This class demonstrates how to make implicitly convert one type T to another U
 * allowing methods taking parameter T also take parameter U
object ImplicitConversion extends App {

  // Automatically allow File arguments to be passed as Strings.
  implicit def stringToFile(name:String): File = new File(name)

  // cheap and cheerful / not-very functional file reading. Lol.
  def readFile(file:File) = {
    val fs = new FileInputStream(file)
    val buffer = new Array[Byte](fs.available)
    println(new String(buffer))
  // Pop-up a dialog asking for the filename.
  val name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Filename?")
  // readFile(File) now takes our String.

Implicit type-conversion is very powerful but the implicit keyword is alien to a lot of non-scala developers.

Multiline String Literals in Scala

package com.vff.examples
 * Extending App means I can run this class.
 * This example shows how MultilineEscaping works.
object StringLiterals extends App {

  /* This String is multiline - scala understands this from the """
   * and will look for the closing """ for the end of the String. */
  val welcomeMessage = """This is a simple
    multiline example"""


  println("---------") // separate output

  /* This version has the | sign to indicate where margins are and,
   * when combined with stripMargin, results in cleaner output. */
  val messageWithPipes = """This example
    |will have
    |cleaner output"""


This is a simple
    multiline example
This example
will have
cleaner output

Scala support for Inline XML

Scala supports defining inline XML, a bit like PHP does. It features string interpolation but using just braces – no dollar signs.


object Movies extends App {
  val title="Goodfellas"
  val genre="Gangster"
  val movie = <movie genre={genre}><title>{title}</title></movie>
  println("movie = " + movie)


movie = <movie genre="Gangster"><title>Goodfellas</title></movie>

The resulting var is a scala.xml.Elem

Scala String – Multiline Escape

Scala supports a multi-line escape: “”” – yes, that’s 3 double quotes.

Here’s an example of setting a String to a multiline value.

object Welcome extends App {
  val welcome = """Hello, World!
    How are you today?"""


Hello, World!
    How are you today?

This is okay, but to produce the desired output we need to trim the second line. We can do this with a pipe to mark the start of the next line and call the stripMargin function. Here’s an example:

object Welcome extends App {
  val welcome = """Hello, World!
    |How are you today?"""


Hello, World!
How are you today?

The double quotes simplify adding multiline String literals – maybe still a bit ugly but not as bad as the Java equivalent. The stripMargins is really just so the added lines can still be indented and the code will format correctly. A nice little touch 🙂